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Quote of the Day from My Great-Grandfather’s Sermon Notes: Ahab and Elijah
This is a snapshot from my great-grandfather‘s sermon notes.
Ahab sold himself into sin, but Elijah, wisely, sold himself to God. In these sermon notes, Pastor Boone contrasts the results of Ahab’s and Elijah’s decisions.
“Elijah–What Did He get when He sold Himself to God? . . . For himself he got the friendship of God . . . . He got the Providential care of God.” And more, of course. By contrast, Ahab “got his blood licked by dogs” and other trouble.
He’s right.
There is indeed a preachable lesson in there.
Published in Religion and Philosophy
Ahab, the titular head of the government of the Northern Kingdom, called Elijah a “troubler of Israel.”
Elijah answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have broken the commandments of the LORD and have followed the Baals.”
Both men were looking at the same set of circumstances, but from differing perspectives.
Quote of the Day from My Great-Grandfather’s Sermon Notes: The War That Will End War