Historian Niall Ferguson joins Michael Auslin to discuss whether the United States is entering a new Cold War with China. Ferguson explains the quick change in public and government attitudes toward China and steps that the Trump administration is taking toward Chinese economic and military aggressiveness. Hoover fellows John Yoo and Auslin then discuss the pros and cons of the Cold War analogy, or whether the rise of Germany before WWI is the better comparison.

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There are 4 comments.

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  1. Belt Inactive

    Fascinating podcast.  I’ll be adding this to the list.

    • #1
  2. Chris Hutchinson Coolidge
    Chris Hutchinson

    Belt (View Comment):

    Fascinating podcast. I’ll be adding this to the list.

    I agree.

    Yesterday, I commented about some comparisons that could be drawn between Rome/Carthage and US/USSR, and some lessons from them could be learned today. What Niall was talking about at about 25:30-30:30 was one of the lessons I had in mind.

    • #2
  3. colleenb Member

    Agree with @chrishutch13 and @belt that this was an interesting podcast on an important subject.  Hope we have more.  Small suggestion – try to keep it at one hour or less.

    • #3
  4. Taras Coolidge

     Interesting how it shows that Trump started out as a “voice crying in the wilderness“ about China — and now the entire foreign-policy establishment has moved over to his position. 

    • #4
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